Predicate {inosaHab

Frameset: f1 "to withdraw"

   ARG0: entity doing the withdraw
   ARG1: thing being withdrawn
   ARG2: withdraw from


 (VP (withdraw/pull_out+he/it |AinosaHaba | اِنْسَحَبَ)
  (NP-SBJ (the+merchant/businessman |Alt~Ajiru | التّاجِرُ)
	  (the+Lebanese |All~ubonAniy~u | اللُّبْنانِيُّ))
  (PP-LOC (from |min | مِن)
	  (NP (the+market |Als~uwqi | السُّوقِ)
	      (the+Saudi |Als~aEuwdiy~api | السَّعُودِيَّةِ))))) 

اِنْسَحَبَ التّاجِرُ اللُّبْنانِيُّ مِن السُّوقِ السَّعُودِيَّةِ 

ARG0: Alt~Ajiru All~ubonAniy~u
Gloss: the lebanese businessman
ARG2: min Als~uwqi Als~aEuwdiy~api
Gloss: from the saudi market
REL:  {inosaHab


 (VP (withdraw/pull_out+it/they/she |-{inosaHabat | -اِنْسَحَبَت)
  (NP-SBJ (the+force/violence |Alquw~apu | القُوَّةُ))
  (PP-TMP (after |baEoda | بَعْدَ)
		  (hours |sAEAtK | ساعاتٍ))
	      (PP (from |min | مِن)
		  (NP (incursion/penetration/preoccupation |tawag~uli- | تَوَغُّلِ-)
		      (its/their/her |-hA | -ها))))))
(PUNC .)) 

-اِنْسَحَبَت القُوَّةُ بَعْدَ ArbE ساعاتٍ مِن تَوَغُّلِ- -ها . 

ARG1: Alquw~apu
Gloss: the forces
ARGM-TMP: baEoda ArbE sAEAtK min tawag~uli- -hA
Gloss: after 4 hours from their incursion
REL:  {inosaHab

Frameset: f2 "be applicable"

   ARG0: thing being applicable non animate
   ARG1: entity applied on


 (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
  (NP-TPC-1 (this |-h`*A | -ه`ذا))
  (VP (he/it+withdraw/pull_out |yanosaHibu | يَنْسَحِبُ)
      (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
      (PP (on/above |EalaY | عَلَى)
	  (NP (NP (more/most |>akovari | أَكْثَرِ))
	      (PP (from |min | مِن)
		  (NP (NP (decision/resolution |qarArK | قَرارٍ))
		      (SBAR (WHNP-2 (-NONE- *0*))
			    (S (VP (be_published/be_issued+he/it |Sadara | صَدَرَ)
				   (NP-SBJ-2 (-NONE- *T*))
				   (PP (in |fiy | فِي)
				       (NP (NP (manner/form/configuration |$akolK | شَكْلٍ))
					   (ADJP (arbitrary/fortuitous/inquisitorial |AiEotibATiy~K | اِعْتِباطِيٍّ)
						 (NP-ADV (some/several |baEoDa | بَعْضَ)
							 (the+something/thing |Al$~ayo'i | الشَّيْءِ)))))
				   (PUNC ,)
				   (PP (from |min | مِن)
				       (NP (NP (the+decision/resolution |AlqarAri | القَرارِ))
					   (NP (NUM 1397))))
				   (PP (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
				       (NP (NUM 1402)))
				   (PP (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
				       (NP (NUM 1403)))))))))))
  (PUNC .)) 

وَ- -ه`ذا يَنْسَحِبُ عَلَى أَكْثَرِ مِن قَرارٍ صَدَرَ فِي شَكْلٍ اِعْتِباطِيٍّ بَعْضَ 
الشَّيْءِ , مِن القَرارِ 1397 إِلَى 1402 إِلَى 1403 .

ARG0: *T*
Gloss: NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*)
ARG1: EalaY >akovari min qarArK Sadara fiy $akolK AiEotibATiy~K baEoDa Al$~ayo'i min AlqarAri 1397 <ilaY 1402 <ilaY 1403
Gloss: on more than a resolution decided on a random way since the resolution 1397, 1402 and 1403
REL:  {inosaHab